传统观点认为静力性伸展练习可以比力量训练更好的提高机体的柔韧性,一项在巴尔的摩ACSM 57届年会上的一项研究对这个问题进行了研究。研究者对比了这两项练习对柔性的影响。研究显示:抗阻练习和静力性伸展一样甚至可以更好的提高机体的柔韧性。而且,没有数据上的显著性表明伸展练习比力量练习比提高机体的柔韧性要好。不过作者也强调希望下一步通过大样本量的研究继续进行探讨。(Resistance training, in fact, produced greater improvements in flexibility in some cases, while also improving strength. )
Full Range Resistance Training Versus Static Stretching: Effects on Flexibility and Strength
James R. Whitehead, FACSM, Sam K. Morton, Ronald H. Brinkert, Dennis Caine. University of ND, Grand Forks, ND.
PURPOSE: While some studies have shown flexibility improvements consequent to resistance training (RT), an extensive literature review did not find any studies where RT was compared to typical static stretching (SS) head-to-head. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine how full range RT affected flexibility and strength compared to SS of the same muscle-joint complexes in untrained adults.
METHODS: College-age volunteers (n = 25) were randomized to an RT or SS training group. A group of college-age inactive volunteers (n = 12) was recruited as a convenience control group (CON). All were pre-tested on hamstring extension, hip flexion and extension, and shoulder extension flexibility, and on peak torque of quadriceps and hamstring muscles. During 5-week SS or RT treatment protocols the aim was to stretch, or to strength train the same muscle-joint complexes over similar movements and ranges. All sessions were designed and conducted by a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Post-tests of flexibility and strength were conducted after the 5-week interventions.
RESULTS: There was no difference in hamstring flexibility improvement between RT and SS, but both were superior to CON (p < .01). RT was superior to CON on hip flexion (p < .005) and hip extension (p < .05) flexibility,but SS was not statistically different from either RT or CON. There were no statistical differences between groups on shoulder extension flexibility. The RT group was significantly superior to CON on knee extension peak torque (p < .05), but there were no significant differences between groups on knee flexion peak torque.
CONCLUSIONS: In this preliminary study, the data indicate that full-range RT can exceed SS in producing flexibility improvements, while improving strength at the same time. Although the study was limited by its quasi-experimental design, and its low statistical power, the results suggest that carefully constructed full-range RT regimens can improve flexibility as well as, or better than the typical SS regimens employed in conditioning programs. Because of the potential practical significance of these results to strength and conditioning programs, further studies utilizing true experimental designs, and larger sample sizes, should be conducted with the aim of confirming or disproving these results.
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