时间:2009-04-02 16:45 标签: 减肥 来源: 本站原创 查看: 1217次


我出生的时候并不是很胖,在协和医院,7斤2两,还算可以了。怎么着也不能说我胖啊,可是随着一年一年的长大,我的体重比国内楼盘长的还快。我自己有时候回忆,我是在上幼儿园的时候开始发胖的,主要的幼儿园的伙食太好了,记得有一回吃早饭我吃了5个鸡蛋,2个油饼还有一碗奶。是多了,吃的太多了。 后来上了小学以后,每年以15-20斤的体重递增,到了小学毕业的时候我已经198斤了。有可能有人不信,呵呵我的小学是北京市和平里第四小学,当时可是全校最胖的。

到了初中和职高我的体重开始稳定了,都是以220-240左右,就这么一直下去了。主要是吃的太多了,我也不知道当时的胃口有那么好,现在也是那么好啊。 然后我就去留学了,到了荷兰,在那读书4年,每天都吃一些垃圾食品,什么薯片啊,薯条啊,基本都是炸货,我也没有办法,那边的蔬菜太贵了吃不起。就这么着,4年很快就过去了,回国那一天,我父母都生气而惊讶,因为我已经到了我体重的最高锋,260斤了。我现在自己回想起来都有点恐怖。




english version

New Year is coming to a new start, therefore I start writing my blog. First of all I give a self-introduction to everybody, my name is Michael, 24 years old, male, and I live in xibahe chaoyang district Beijing. As it is I am just a regular guy, however my weight is not regular, and why I call this blog is person experience on weight loss, because my weight is too heavy, kind of amazing and scared. From different perspectives, my heavy weight is partly from family, partly from the eating structure. Actually I eat a lot, more or less the quantity is twice more than normal, and as the result I am a little bit sacred to face people. Moreover I studied overseas for 4 years; at same time I ate 4 years junk food that was horrible.

When I was born, I had just normal weight, was about 3.5kilos, so and so right? But years by years, my weight has increased much faster then the value of Chinese real estate, what a joke. in my memory, when I was in the kindergarten, my weight started increasing, the main reason was the food there so nice, once I remembered, I had 5 eggs, 2 fried bread and a bowl of milk, that was too much for a kid. And then when I began my primary school, my weight has increased 7-10kilos annually, after leaving the primary school, my weight was about 100kilos, believe or not, seeing is the truth. I was the heaviest student there.

Then I moved to the junior secondary school and senior vocational school, my weight was quite stable. Was around 110kilos-120kilos, then my weight kept it on, mainly I ate too much and unhealthy, I do not know why my appetite was so great. I ate everything, then I went to study overseas, the country I went is the Netherlands, I studied there 4 years, everyday I ate fried food, was junk food and high fat food. because vegetables there were too expensive, I had to save some money, overseas studying past quickly, so the day I came home, my parents were angry and surprised, they could not believe I am their child in front of them, so at that time, let's say, July-16th 2006, my weight is about the 130kilos, was the most heaviest on record, and now every time I think about my weight at that time, I feel a bit horrible.

Be honest, I do not wanna be heavy, but my appetite is too great, and also I did not have the final determination on that great project-weight loss. I tried some times, but it failed, and every time I quite, my weight rose up faster than before. So I feel myself is self-contemptuous. As too heavy, is hard to find a job, is hard to find a girlfriend, whereas the most important issue is my body condition, if let's go on with my weight, I will not endure my body. As one short sentence, die soon.

when I came back from the Netherlands, I started my personal experience on weight loss, front the beginning has been about 5 months, and why I did not start this blog when I start doing weight loss, because I did not know I had this milestone today, actually I could not believe what I have done till today. happy and surprised, therefore from the new year 2007, I do will terrify myself that I can make it, let's say, nothing is impossible as long as you have got the will. Alright I stop writing today; I am going to continue releasing my experience, feeling, and story.

Thanks for the supports my friends