如何选择自己的私教?作者Phano Paul Som Five Keys to Getting Your Money's Worth 5条小点子,帮你找到你物有所知的私人教练 Are you frustrated with your training progress? if so, you probably can use some help in creating an individualized fitness routine. Exercise is a science that requires extensive knowledge and skill, a process that takes many years to develop. By seeking the assistance of qualified fitness professional, you can benefit from the knowledge and experience that he/she has acquired, ultimately expediting your ability to achieve more results. 你还在为你的健身进程所困扰吗?真是这样的话,或许你可以在开拓一个符合自身的训练方式,并需求帮助.健身,是一个需要大量只是&技能的科学,时一个多年养成的过程.通过聘请合适的健身专业人士,你可以从他们的多年经验中受益,同时,最大限度的拓展自己的能力,并达致更丰说得健身成果. More and more, people are beginning to regard a personal trainer not as a luxury but as a necessity. They are realizing that, without proper guidance and support it is very difficult to initiate an exercise program. Unfortunately, virtually anyone can hang a sign on their door and call himself a fitness professional. There now are more trainers than ever, substantially increasing your chances of making a bad choice. 越来越多的人们已经不再把私教看成一个奢侈的享受,反而,当作生活的必须.人们开始发现,没有私教的指导和帮助,要开展健身计划简直是困难,但是真正名副其实的健身转业人士不是谁都可以做的.现在,私教人数开始增长,这真正意味着越来越多的机会我们的私教不称职 So how do you go about finding a trainer that is suited for you? Not only is there a substantial financial commitment involved, but also there is a large amount of time and effort invested. In order to facilitate this chore, it is imperative that you systematize your approach to the selection process. I believe there are five fundamental criteria that you should take into account in order to make an educated decision. 到底怎么样选择适合自己的私教呢?这必须要与客观的资金支持,还要有巨大的时间和努力的投入.为了把这些琐事都便宜处置,我们首要的任务是:对你所选择的训练模式的方法的系统化.以下五点,我们相信,为你作出理智的私教选择的参照系. 1. Evaluate the credentials of the trainer. 对教练的诚信度加以考量. At present, there is no licensure required to become a personal trainer. Consequently, anyone who has ever set foot in a gym has a green light to give advice on the subject. This has led to an abundance of unqualified trainers. 目前,作一个教练是无需国家行政审批的.结果导致了,有些人只要身在健身房就有给人作知道的冲动.着就为大量黑教练的泛滥提供温床. Although not mandatory, the majority of competent trainers elect to become certified as fitness professionals, which requires passing a detailed written examination on exercise and fitness. There are several organizations that certify personal trainers, the two most prominent being the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). However, one must realize that simply because a person is certified does not mean he/she is an expert in the field of fitness. Certified implies that a trainer displays a basic knowledge of exercise, stretching and nutrition, but does not take into account many factors that ultimately determine a trainer's competence. There are many trainers who possess book smarts and can pass a certification exam, but often are not able to communicate their knowledge to others in a clear, concise fashion. I have seen this all too many times. Certification is valuable as an initial screening tool but it has limited usage. 尽管没有强制性限定,还是有通过就训练和健身方面的笔头测试考试的方式来筛选出现在很多有能力的教练.在美国有许多机构可以对有自立的教练作出认证.其中十分著名的是:美国体育训练协会? American Council on Exercise (ACE)和美国运动医学学院?the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).但是,♂必须明确得失,仅凭获得认证就认为此人士健身领域的专家就是错误的认识.它只反应了作为教练具备的基本知识如:实际锻炼,伸展程度,和营养知识.但是还有很多最终能反应教练能力的主多方面都未涉及.许多认证的教练都有应试的宝书秘笈,可以树立通过人证考试.但是叫他们把他们掌握的知识清楚明白的表达出来简直很难.这种情况可谓屡见不鲜.获得认证实教练一开始执业的门槛,担不是这个事业的全部. 2. Evaluate whether the trainer possess a physique that you admire. 看教练的身形是否你所中意? A personal trainer should serve as a fitness role model. If you are inspired by the physique of your trainer, it can serve to motivate you to stay on a proper course. The ability to work with someone who has achieved an enviable physique through fitness can be a terrific source of inspiration and can keep you focused on your fitness goals. 私教必须是一个健美身材的活生生的模特.如果客户被教练的完美身材所动,这种冲动可以作为一种持之以恒的动力.于一个在健身上已有成果的,有着叫人嫉妒的人一起联练习,不仅能对你又有启发,而且叫你一直关注你的训练目标.着不失为各好方法. While it is true that someone with a great body is not always a capable trainer, one should look very skeptically at a trainer who is overweight or unfit. A trainer who is out of shape dos not serve as a positive fitness role model. One has to question either the knowledge and/or dedication of fitness professionals who do not practice what they preach. Moreover, if the trainer cannot achieve a satisfactory level of conditioning, how can you expect that he/she will be able to help you achieve your goals? 当然好身材不是意味着好教练,人们会对身材奇怪的教练产生质疑.一个身材走样的教练,作为好身材模特真实勉为其难.人们就开始回怀疑他的知识及作为教练的用心程度,因为不能对他所宣扬的东西以身作则.当一个教练自己都没有一定造诣,他怎么能把你引向你的目标? 3. Evaluate whether the trainer has a personality you enjoy. 看教练的人格特质是否是你型? A good trainer must possess more than just knowledge. He/she has to relate to the needs of each individual trainee. People have a myriad of personalities and a trainer must be able to deliver positive reinforcement as well as constructive criticism. He must be able to sense when to be forceful and when to be compassionate, when to push for that extra rep and when to pull back. While some people respond to a hard-driving, militaristic style. of training, others need to be gently prodded and coaxed for maximum results. 光有知识还不能成为一个真正一一的教练.真正的教练有为客户所想,有为客户所思.人们的个性各种各样,作为教练,他必须具备传递积极控制及建设性意见的能力.他必须依据情势,作出是该严厉还是温柔的抉择.很好的拿捏什么时候应该苛刻,什么时候应该适可而止.对有些客户要实行强硬的,军事化的训练方式,对有些则要旁敲侧击,过分的奖励业不为国. Spend some time talking to the trainer and get a feel for his/her ability to communicate with you. Ask direct questions about the style. that he/she employs and determine whether the style. fits your personality. If you are not comfortable with the trainer's persona, there is a good probability that you will not be satisfied working with him/her on a professional level. 花些时间与教练交谈,看他与你沟通的能力如何.直接了党的文她的训练方式,看是否符合你的个性.如果你对他的性格不和,那么很有可能与他建立健身事业的关系,一起锻炼的效果可能并不会那么令人满意. 4. Evaluate several references from the trainer. 试着对教练给的成功案例作出考量. Any established trainer should be able to provide the names of several clients who can attest to his/her competence as a fitness professional. You should ask for the names of people who are about the same age and 465, and have similar fitness goals as yourself. This will ensure that you can accurately assess whether he/she is skilled in dealing with your particular needs. 每个有剑术的健身私教都会为客户提供可以证明其能力的成功案例的当事人姓名.你应该注意与你自己年龄,性别,健身目标差不多的案例加以考量.这回帮助你具体横梁.这个私教是否这对你的个人情况有这足够的,可预期的能力. When you call the references, do not hesitate to ask any questions that you feel are pertinent in respect to the trainer. During your consultation, a trainer will likely be on his best behavior. You often get a better insight into his aptitude by asking a client about such factors as temperament, knowledge, flexibility in scheduling, honest, etc. Also, make sure to ask if the person is satisfied with the results they have achieved. You would be surprised at how many people continue to employ the same trainer simply because it is inconvenient to switch. 党羽成功案例当事人通电话时,对于有关教练的事情一定不能不问.在你咨询教练时,他会把自己的最好的一面表现出来.通过于当事人询问有关教练的脾气,知识水平,对计划张空的灵活度,以及诚实信用的信息,来根深的了解你的私教.与此同时,你要与当事人咨询,嵌私教对自己的指导结果很满意.当然对于在他之后又有多少类似的客户求教于这个私教,这样很私密的信息.如果能从当事人的口中获得,更是对你有意外的收获. 5. Evaluate the fee structure of the trainer. 对免费指导加以测评 Fees can vary greatly when it comes to personal training, ranging from as little as about $35 per session and going as high as $150 per session or more. Don't think that a low-priced trainer is a bargain or that a high-priced trainer has some magical formula for success. There are many things that will dictate fee structure including competition, location, reputation, etc. As a rule, be wary of trainers at either end of the fee spectrum. 四角的收费标准因人而异,差别很大.差距从每节35美元到150美元之间.有时甚至更大.不要认为收费低的私教是个不中用的便宜货,也不能迷信那些喊出高价的私教九能在健身方式方法上有什么魔力.对于价格的决定因素很多,比如说:竞争程度,训练地点,教练名气等等.宗旨记住这么一条,对于每次收费核算,要十分谨慎. In conclusion, as a trainer myself, I would like to point out that there are many incompetent trainers out there. I say this because I have been to a dozen gyms and have only met a handful of trainers that I would even think about investing my money in. The best trainers are the ones who can deliver results in the least amount of time as possible. My rule of thumb as a trainer is that if he/she needs to be with me for more than 4 weeks on a professional level, then I'm not doing my job properly. Hence, I have never had to train any one person for more than 4 weeks. Good luck finding a personal trainer if that's what you seek but remember: all of the knowledge and wisdom concerning the fitness realm you seek is out there. You just have to read a bit or even ask friends. That's how I got to where I am today and I continue to strive to improve my knowledge on a daily basis. One can never know too much in life. Train hard, train smart, think BIG! 最后,作为建设教练的我,不得不指出市场上仍充斥着大量的不够资质的教练.我这么说是因为,在我走过的成千上万的健身房里,能真正让我觉得是可塑之材的私教总是那么些个.最好的教练一般能在最可能断地时间里传达出自己的结论.我本人的试金石是:如果他能与我合作教学指导四周后,我会不会教学了.这样的人就是符合我的想法的.因为,在这四周我没有亲自指导任何人了. 祝福你按照我的标准找到了你所喜欢的私教.但是切记:所有的健身领域的知识&经验就是无处不再.但你需要做的就是只要向朋友问问和自己阅读有关资料就可以了.这就是我日积月累得这么过来的,才达到今天的所谓一些成绩.人不可能什么都知道.敢玩命练,敢动脑子,敢于想象,你就能走得更远…. |
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